Saturday, November 24, 2018

Process and Persistence - Pt. 1

During the final moments prior to a recent road race I was preparing to run, someone made the comment that, “Some people are natural runners.”

I’m not one of those people. Running has never came naturally to me. There was a big chunk of my life where strongly disliked the activity. If you’re interested in this story, I previously wrote about how I came to enjoy running (The Bix and a Real World Growth Mindset, linked).

The comment did, however, make me think. Although I don’t consider myself to be a natural runner, I don’t have that advantage, I do consider myself to be more persistent than most.

I’m no ultra runner, but I pride myself on being able to run longer distances than most people are comfortable running. It’s one of the things that I love about running; knowing that I’ve pushed myself, out of my comfort zone, to the point where I now enjoy doing something that I once thought torturous. This didn’t just happen, naturally, either. It’s become easier, it’s become routine as a result of a process. A process and persistence have allowed me to prove to myself, time and time again, that I can do more.