Sunday, January 3, 2016

One Word

Several summers ago, I heard Jon Gordon speak at the annual SAI conference. He spoke about choosing one word and focusing on living your life so that your actions reflect that one word. I chose balance.

The past couple of days, I've noticed this idea resurfacing within my PLN. As a result, I've been inspired to choose one word and then blog about my rationale selecting it.

My one word for 2016...

  • Remember why I became an educator
  • Remember to keep my family first
  • Remember to find balance between my work and the rest of my life
  • Remember to take care of myself so that I am able to take care of others
  • Remember that my attitude and energy set the tone for everyone else in the school
  • Remember that everyone (both staff and students) comes to school with circumstances that we don't know about
  • Remember that being involved in difficult situations isn't a bad thing; being involved in difficult situations forces one to grow
  • Remember that I have a network of people that I can share both my celebrations and my struggles
  • Remember to keep pushing to make positive changes to benefit kids
  • Remember that Rome was not built in a single day
  • Remember that I am working with 5, 6, 7, and 8 year old kids
  • Remember that I am working with kids who are someone's children; kids who are someone else's whole entire world
  • Remember that I have the power to make a positive impact
  • Remember that I have made positive impacts before

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