Sunday, April 7, 2019

#MyChicagoMarathon No. 8

This October, I am running the Chicago Marathon! I closed my last post, by starting the final paragraph with the following:
"This winter, in Iowa, has seen more extreme and/or severe weather than most (in recent memory). And as a result of dangerously cold wind chills, snow covered sidewalks and streets, and mostly all of the ice that has covered everything, my running has been limited to a couple of miles a month for the last couple of months."

Well, spring sprung! The weather is warming, and the conditions to be running outside are becoming more favorable. After what seems kind of like a hibernation of sorts, this time of year, it always feels great to get back outside and run.

But my 20-week training plan that I'm going to follow leading up to the Chicago Marathon won't begin until the week of May 27th. And I'm not as young as I once was. I can't just jump into a 20-week marathon training plan. I tried that, last year, while preparing for a half-marathon and I ended-up causing myself back pain like I've never before experienced; it may have been a coincidence, maybe not, but I'm not willing to test any theory associated with that experience.

So here I am, it's April 7th and I've completed the first two weeks of an eight-week training plan that will increase my base from three miles to six  I've probably run this program at least a dozen times. It's basic; it's easy. I want to do more. I want to go farther.

But I know better. So instead, I'll practice patience and consistency. (WARNING: Prepare yourself for an avalanche of my favorite cliches...) I'll Trust the Process. I'll Chop Wood and Carry Water. Because that's how you Break the Rock.

"Just give it time, always works."

Donate to My Chicago Marathon for Action for Healthy Kids (linked) 

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