Saturday, June 22, 2019

#MyChicagoMarathon No. 13

Why Might YOU Care?

Recently, I was in the midst of a “long” run, which had me thinking about what to write for my next #MyChicagoMarathon post. I was thinking about my audience, primarily my Twitter followers (the platform where I share), a group of mainly educators.

Why do they care about me running the Chicago Marathon? What does that have to do with education?

That got me thinking. What is education? I think that, too often, we think about education in a vacuum. Education and school are NOT synonyms. School is just a noun; it's a place. Educate is a verb; it's something we do, it's synonymous with learn. Everything that we do, throughout our lives, has the potential to contribute to our education.

I've been listening to Range, the audio book, while running. Coincidentally, this morning, the author was talking about the importance of educating ourselves over the education of stuff. Agreed. And my commitment to and training for running a marathon is an education. I'm learning about persistence and preparation - two vital skills in life, across any discipline. I hope that this blog, my story can inspire at least one person, at least a little, to commit to and/or prepare for something. As educators, that's our job; to inspire.

As I've alluded, this October, I am running the Chicago Marathon. Leading up to the race, I'm using this space (my blog, this is post number thirteen!) to document my journey. Until next time, I'll close with a shameless plug to my fundraising page (linked); I encourage you to visit, and (if you are able/willing) donate. I hope that you'll follow me on this journey, and I hope you enjoy my story.

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