Sunday, February 20, 2022

I believe...

I haven't written (or at least published any of my writing) since the end of 2020. I've been meaning and wanting to write, but just haven't had it in me to get started. Recently, I was inspired to write after observing a social studies lesson in one of our classrooms. Thank you, Bailey Burnes, for the inspiration.

What I've written is a list (in no particular order and it probably isn't comprehensive, either) to provide insight into the things that I value.

I believe...
  1. We should listen more than we talk
  2. In making time to read, everyday
  3. Time has the power to fix and heal; be patient
  4. In staying calm; overreacting isn't helpful
  5. In fate and I believe in karma
  6. Fresh air, rest, and water are the ultimate remedies
  7. The things that stretch us are the things that grow us
  8. Deep down, all people are good
  9. Life - including work - should be fun
  10. Our actions carry more weight than our words
  11. Our learning never stops
  12. We should make time for ourselves
  13. In doing the things that make you happy
  14. Routines lead to productivity
  15. In waking up early
  16. Hard and bad are NOT synonymous
  17. In taking the high road
  18. Doing things together makes them more enjoyable
  19. Exercise is as good for your mental health as it is for your physical health
  20. Finding comfort in uncomfortable things
  21. Moments matter; make them memorable
  22. In persistence; keep going
  23. Practicing gratitude is a worthwhile endeavor; be thankful
  24. In details; pay attention to them
  25. When we look for the good, we'll find it

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