Monday, August 5, 2019

#MyChicagoMarathon No. 16

Earlier this spring, I listened to the audio version of Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance by Alex Hutchinson while running.

It was a really good book, and a timely read as I was preparing to start (and then starting) my marathon training. I've shared a couple of the quotes that really resonated with me, below.
"You have to teach athletes that they can do more than they think they can."

"The brain rules the body. You're capable of much more than you think."

"The marathon punishes over confidence with old testament severity."

"Training is the cake. Believing is the icing."

In the context of training for running a marathon there seemed to be an emphasis on the mental component. How do you mentally prepare for such a physical test? One tip that I'll take away is every so often change WHEN I'm doing my training. I'm a morning runner, always have been. Every now and again, I need to run after work or after the kids have been put to bed just to change it up and see how my mind is going to respond in a context/setting that isn't as familiar.

"If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done."
More on this quote from Thomas Jefferson in my next post, #MyChicagoMarathon No. 17...

This October, I am running the Chicago Marathon. Leading up to the race, I'm using this space (my blog, this is post number sixteen!) to document my journey. Until next time, I'll close with a shameless plug to my fundraising page (linked); I encourage you to visit, and (if you are able/willing) donate (I'm only (roughly) $250 short of my goal; THANKS to ALL who have donated!).

I hope that you'll follow me on this journey, and I hope you enjoy my story.

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