Monday, December 21, 2020

I'm Going to Start Writing

For the past five months, I haven't done much writing. In fact, I haven't published anything since the end of July. How come? I love writing. It's an activity that is therapeutic for me. Yet, I've been lacking inspiration.

Why not? Fear. Full disclosure, it's been a fear that others might perceive me writing as a poor choice of my time management. Why would I spend my time writing blogs when I could spend my time doing something else (?). I've let the fear of what other people might think prohibit me from doing something that I enjoy. 

For me, writing is self-care. It's modeling vulnerability. Furthermore, it is a communication tool that provides people an insight into my thinking and my values. As a leader, these are important things. 

I'm on day three of my winter break, and I'm going to start writing.

2020 is ending, and it has been a year. Over the next ten days, each day, I'm going to share one positive experience that I've had over the course of the year. This year has been hard, no doubt, but it hasn't all been gloom and doom. There have been highlights. And when you are looking for positives, you start to find more of them.

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