Friday, December 25, 2020

Ten Days, Ten Things No.4

We've remained healthy.

In the midst of a global pandemic, my family has managed to maintain good health. I'm of the belief that this good fortune is part luck and part good decision making. Good decision making in regards to things such as exercise, diet, water consumption, rest and sleep, spending time outdoors - those things make a difference. Furthermore, in this era of COVID, wearing a mask, being extra diligent about washing your hands, social distancing, and limiting opportunities for exposure outside your home are things that are within our control. My family has tried to do these things to the extent possible; we've also had some good luck on our side.

*Bonus: we aren't out of the woods, yet. But at least there appears to be light at the end of the tunnel in regards to the pandemic that we're living through.

On a hike. We've probably done more hiking these past nine months than ever before.

This is the fourth of ten days where I'm going to share one positive experience that I've had over the course of the year (2020). This year has been hard, no doubt, but it hasn't all been gloom and doom. There have been highlights. And when you are looking for positives, you start to find more of them.

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